Last Updated: Oct 18, 2017 Views: 12

A panel interview mean that you will be interviewed by anywhere from two to a table full of people at once. It is helpful if you can get the interviewers’ names and titles ahead of time and do some basic research on their backgrounds and positions with the company. LinkedIn can a be a valuable resource to learn more about the individuals prior to interviewing with them. As in a one-on-one interview, keeping in mind the point of view of your audience will make your interview answers more effective.

It is likely that the interviewers will take turns asking questions, so be sure to address the person asking the questions first, but make eye contact with the whole group during your answer.

Remember that meeting multiple people (some of whom may be your future teammates) through a panel interview can be a benefit to you as well. It is a chance to watch how the group interacts to help determine if you feel you fit into the culture of the workplace.

For more information on interviewing including panel interviews, see our website.