Last Updated: Oct 18, 2017 Views: 65

The competency map displays information on your demonstration of competencies in a course. When you access the competency map, you will see this screen. Select "Go to Map" to continue. The map will display courses in alphabetical order in the current term. The drop-downs allow you to see maps by selecting the course and term.

Below the course drop-down menus you will see the total number of grading criteria and assignments in your course. As your assignments are graded, the numbers and icons will change to reflect your progress toward completion of the course. Your instructor analyzes your assignments and judges your performance for each of the scoring guide criteria. These instructor judgments are the basis for determining your overall demonstration of the course competencies.

When you begin a course, the competency map circles are gray in color. Then, as you complete assignments and receive grades from your instructor, the color of the circles will change to match your overall demonstration of each competency. You'll also notice that as you complete more and more assignments, the circles will increasingly fill in with color. By the end of the course, all of the circles will be filled in with a color representing your overall demonstration of the competencies. The performance level is color-coded for convenience.

A video tutorial for the Competency Map can be found here: